
Empowering Youth Through Education and Sports

Umuri Foundation is a charity and social enterprise Rwandan local non-governmental organization registered under the Law No. 04/2012 governing the functioning of National Non-Governmental organizations, operating in Rwanda since 2018. At Umuri Foundation ,we believe that all children deserve the opportunity to be part of a sports/Football program that provides a healthy, safe environment away from the negative influences they may face in their everyday lives.

Through this initiative we will be working to connect the children in these communities with easy, low barrier access to organized youth Football programs and safe places to play.Offering hope and opportunity for a better future is what drives us. We aim to achieve this with the help of workshops for the participants, grassroots tournaments,training youth leaders for further delivery of life skill training. We deliver a range of social interventions around Physical & Moral education with our Umuri Academy programme, the Umuri Academy providing vulnerable children & young people with Educational attainment,football coaching and character development, with the aim of offering hope and opportunity for a better future. Through this long-term, holistic approach, we aim to empower young people with the skills and confidence to become change makers and leaders in the long-term sustainable development of Rwanda. We also deliver a wide range of community programmes for vulnerable youth including health education, life-skills development and gender equality.

Our Mission,Vision & Values

Our Mission

The Mission of Umuri Foundation is to leverage the power of sport to help young people of Rwanda regain their hope of life through social development interventions focusing on poverty alleviation, health development, and education attainment for improved community livelihoods.

Our Vision

To see young people of Rwanda, realize their dreams and have every opportunity to succeed . A future where young people of Rwanda are driving transformative change and achieving their full potential.

Our Values

We prioritize integrity, kindness and Respect, inclusiveness, gender equality and Humility.