
Umuri Academy Programs

Umuri Academy is our flagship program, and through it, we transform participants' and have a measurable impact on long-term sustainable growth. Our academy is divided into two parts:

We use football to support participants to become positive change-makers in Rwanda. We also hope to develop a new generation of male and female Rwandan footballers who will help the progress of the senior national team in years to come and to help them to find opportunities move themselves, their families, and their communities out of poverty to a better life.


Umuri Grassroot is a Charity Soccer Academy that seeks to transform the lives of young people, particularly the most needy, in order to restore hope and eradicate poverty. We bring together the soccer sector and the Sport for Development sector as a grassroots Academy committed to bringing positive social change. This allows us to change young people's lives off the field while also driving systemic change in the sector. We tend to deliver a range of social interventions for both boys and girls around health education & life skills.


The Umuri Pro Academy is a paid program that offers children and young people the intensive training they need to become professional football players.

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